Try as he might, Mr. Scatter can’t figure out a good way to let you look at the three redesign possibilities we’re considering for Art Scatter.
Regulars Brett and Charles have both asked for such a thing, and it’s not just a reasonable request, it’s a no-brainer. Unfortunately Mr. Scatter’s brain just says no when he tries to figure out how to make it happen.
The best he can manage is a fuzzy screen photo of each candidate taken with his inadequate Blackberry phone, in the hopes that the pictures will help jog your memories back to what you saw in the last couple of days.
What you see, from the top, is:
Copyblogger, the jazziest of the candidates, with red headlines and a tabloidy staccato feel.
Veryplaintext 3.0, with a crisp, beautifully design serif type and an old-newspaper feel.
Artemerging, the theme Art Scatter has had since its birth but is getting ready to shed.
And, you’re reading this in Modern, the third candidate and today’s theme.
Mr. Scatter sincerely hopes this helps. And he promises not only to make a decision soon, but to explain how and why.