Yes, Art Scatter looks different this morning than it did yesterday.
Since those ancient days almost two years ago when we began, we’ve been working on a design template called artsemerging, by Nathaniel Stern. But lately we’ve been thinking we want to shake things up. So we’ve been looking at some alternatives.
The design you see today is called veryplaintext 3.0, and it’s created by Scott Allan Wallick.
In the next couple of days we’ll switch to a pair of other formats that have caught our eye:
Copyblogger, designed by Chris Pearson.
Modern, designed by Ulf Petterson.
Serendipitously, this very morning we saw this statement by landscape designer Steve Straub, quoted by our old friend Kym Pokorny in The Oregonian’s HGNW: “There are two elements of design. Making it look right and making it work right.”
Bearing that in mind, we’re asking all of you to help us out. Take a look as the format changes over the next three days. Tell us what you like and what you don’t like. We’re in a muddle. Lots of new clothes in the shop, and we can’t quite decide. So, please, hit that comment button and let us know what you think. Does this design make us look fat?
Friends, Romans and Scatterers, lend us your eyes.