Art Scatter’s new look, Variation 3

Call us vain, but here at Art Scatter World Headquarters we’re still obsessing over the way we look.

Photo: Max Wehite/Wikimedia CommonsDoes this typeface go with our headline style? Should we go Friday casual, sober-suited, country corduroy or maybe uptown funk? Do we want to look reliable, or available, or maybe flirtatious but with strict limits?

Today we’re feeling sleek. And no wonder, after trying on the last of three costumes we’ve been contemplating, a Web presentation theme called Modern. Yesterday we showed you the jazzier Copyblogger, and Thursday we kicked off with the simple but typographically elegant Veryplaintext 3.0.

One of these three designs will replace the format we’ve been using since Art Scatter was a newborn in February 2008, Artsemerging. Why? Because we feel like a change. But we want to make sure it’s the right change.

So, here you have it. Three new suits. Each with strengths, each with weaknesses. Let us know which one appeals to you and why — and if one of them really grosses you out, let us know that. too. After all, we just make this stuff up. You’re the ones who read it.

Hit that comment button and let us know what you think.