Tag Archives: 10:10 10-10-10

Miss it? Just wait ’til NEXT year

O glorious day and date: it's one for the history books

By Bob Hicks

You have to get up pretty early on a Sunday morning to capture one of the numerically coolest moments of the century, but the Scatter household managed it. The Small Large Smelly Boy recorded this historic highlight with the trusty household palm-size camera thingie, which he took into the kitchen and aimed at the eerie glow of the stove clock.

Did you see it? 10:10 10-10-10 — or 10:10 a.m., on the tenth day of the tenth month of the century’s tenth year. If you missed it, keep an eye out for 10:10 p.m. — you won’t see the likes of this again for a while. If we’d had a digital clock with a second counter, we’d have shot for 10:10:10 10-10-10. How extremely binary!

Next year, on November 11, will be even cooler: 11:11:11 11-11-11.

Can’t you just feel the excitement building?