The holiday isn’t over until the rotund gentleman sings

S. Claus, world-class gourmand and right jolly old elf

Merry Christmas, one and all. The rotund gentleman above may not be singing, but neither is he hawking a Coke, and we’ll take that as a sufficient act of saintliness. Regular Scatterers may recall that the jigsaw puzzle pictured was begun and completed over the Thanksgiving weekend by the Large Smelly Boys. We showed a close-up of the old gent’s face a while back and promised that if you were good, we’d show the whole puzzle. Well, our secret operatives inside The Google have been keeping a sharp eye on you and have reported that on the whole you’re a pretty sterling lot, so here’s the picture. Congratulations: Well done!

Now quietly shut down your computers and join your friends and families for a cup of good cheer. Art Scatter World Headquarters is closed for the holiday.