Tag Archives: RSA

There’ll always be an England, and we have a piece of it

We bow in awe before Scatter friend Paul Duchene’s annointment as a fellow of England’s venerable Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or RSA.

God save out gracious Queen Victoria. Portrait by Sir George Hayter (1792-1871). Wikimedia Commons“No kissing of ring necessary,” his partner, Sherry Lamoreaux, insists. But we can scarce restrain ourselves.

Apparently as a lad way back in 1968 Paul took the RSA test while at college and did smashingly. But the membership fee was 25 quid (about $35 now; three weeks’ pay then) and so he slunk into the cesspool of journalism and embarked for the colonies instead. A while ago his mum found the original paperwork and Paul wrote the RSA, asking if he could join the club he was invited to 41 years ago if he paid up. Why yes, the RSA replied.

What’s it mean? As Lamoreaux puts it:

“Duchene can now use the honorific ‘Fellow of the Royal Academy of the Arts (FRSA)’ in his correspondence. When he does, his friends will snort with derision.”

We suppose now he’ll be hanging around the pub piano with Sir Elton and Sir Paul, belting out pop tunes as he downs another black and white.

We can only say: Hail, Fellow. Well met.