By Laura Grimes
Here at Art Scatter World Headquarters, we concoct more than hot chocolate and dirty-little-secret martinis. We participate in genuine science. For weeks we’ve been conducting The Great Pickles As Social Vehicle Experiment.
Mr. Scatter made a bold declaration recently in the mainstream media about our little family enterprise.
We deal chiefly in the concoction of highly improbable stories and the manufacture and trade of gray-market pickles.
Just how is that gray matter coming along? (Not brain cells.) The experiment is kicking along in fine form with Pickle Swaps (everyone step together now) 5, 6, 7, 8.
Continue reading Pickles: The old gray market rides high →
By Laura Grimes
The first large jar of spicy dill pickles vintage 2010 has launched into the world. It was exchanged over morning coffee for kickass ginger molasses cookies. Just in the nick of time, too. A pack of Large Smelly Boys took over the house. (How rude of teachers to have an in-service day.)
The list of barter offers has grown slightly since the last update (see below).
Because we’re a 75 percent meat-free household, we’re working on a multiple trade for the elk meat. Not to worry, the vendor said: “A three-way always sounds fun.”
Continue reading The first pickle pass-off went down! →

By Laura Grimes
When word got around that we put pickles up again this year, the barter offers started to come in. So far, we’ve received requests for pickles in exchange for:
- Sauerkraut
- Pesto
- Elk meat
This is not a bad combination. (Forget the fact that we don’t eat meat.) Now I’m thinking that if we strike enough deals we could put together an entire Thanksgiving dinner by the fourth Thursday in November. Whaddayasay? I’m hoping for pie.
Continue reading We put pickles up ourselves and now we need your help →
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